4 Things to Consider Before Building a Second Story Addition

We all dream of having a bigger house, and one way to achieve that is by building a second story addition. While adding a second floor may seem like a daunting task, it can be done smoothly with the right preparation. In today’s post, bathroom remodeling and home additions expert Northside Construction Services shares some key questions to ask your contractor as you plan your project.

1. Where Should the Stairs Go? Consult with your contractor about where the stairway to the second-floor should be added. Ideally, it should be near your home’s entrance so that you can immediately access your second-floor.

2. How Will the Drywall Ceiling Be Protected? Once your roof rafters have been removed to begin the addition, the risk of the drywall ceiling collapsing or someone falling through the ceiling is very high. You may need to add temporary walls to your first floor to serve as a buffer to prevent your ceiling from collapsing.

3. How Will the First Floor Be Protected? Ask your home repair contractor how they plan to protect the first floor once the roof has been removed. It’s important to keep your home protected from the elements at all times, and a good contractor should have a solid plan for this.

4. Relocating Utilities in The Attic. You may have your electrical wiring and plumbing system running through your attic. Once your second-floor addition has started, you’ll need to find an alternate path for these utilities. Be sure to consider your bathroom and kitchen vents as well.

5. How Will the Second Floor Affect the First? Your architect, structural engineer and contractor have to work closely together during the planning phase. Your architect must ensure that there are no flaws in the second floor’s design, while your engineer and contractor make sure the building can handle the addition of a second floor.

Do you need the help of a basement finishing specialist? Trust in Northside Construction Services! We’re a full-service renovation contractor with the goal of making your dream home a reality! Call us at (404) 392-5858 or fill out our contact form for a FREE no-obligation quote! We serve Evans, Augusta and the rest of GA!