The Best Time to Paint Your Home’s Exterior

A new coat of paint can completely change how the exterior of your Georgia home looks. It is one of the most low-cost, yet effective remodeling projects you can pursue, as long as you obtain the services of a reputable contractor that provides excellent home painting services.

When choosing the best time to paint your home’s exterior, always be aware of your area’s climate. How the paint dries after it is applied on the exterior depends on the temperature and the conditions outside.

Home Painting and the Weather

The outcome of your exterior paint job hinges on the weather. A moderately warm temperature—ranging from 50 to 85 degrees F—creates the perfect conditions for the job. It also helps if there is minimal wind.

Also, partly cloudy to cloudy weather is mostly preferred for painting the home exterior. When the job is done during sunny weather, the painted surface gets warm, which may cause it to crack. For the applied paint to cure and dry completely, the forecast should call for stable conditions over a period of one to two days.

Ideal Season for Home Painting

Summer is typically thought of as the best times for doing this home remodeling project. The weather tends to be mild, with less rain than in other seasons. Yet in Georgia, summers can be tremendously hot because of the high humidity. With moisture present in the air, the applied paint may not dry properly. This won’t give you the best results.

That’s why in Georgia, fall actually provides the best weather for this project. During the fall, temperatures during the day and night tend to be relatively steady, with reduced humidity. This gives you the best finish you want for the painted surface without any cracks, runs or bubbles.

To ensure the success of your painting project, it’s also important that you hire a home remodeling contractor like Northside Construction Services, Inc. Revitalize the look of your home through our professional painting services. Call us at (678) 233-2400 or fill out our contact form. We serve homeowners in Evans and Augusta, GA.