Remodeling Your Basement? Avoid These 5 Mistakes

Basement remodeling is a great way to add value and functionality to your home in Evans, GA. But common mistakes can be costly and time-consuming if not avoided. This article discusses the top five mistakes you should avoid when remodeling your basement.

1. Not Planning for the Future

It’s essential to consider the future when remodeling your basement. For example, if you plan on having a baby, you may want to create an extra bedroom or playroom. Becoming empty nesters may also require more space for entertaining guests. And if someone in your household has mobility challenges, then you must ensure your basement is accessible and equipped with safety features such as handrails and ramps. 

2. Skimping on Quality Materials or Workmanship

Using low-quality materials or allowing subpar workmanship on your home remodel in Evans, GA, can result in costly repairs and maintenance down the road. Not only that, but it may also negatively affect the value of your home if you decide to sell it in the future. It’s essential to invest in quality materials and ensure your contractor is experienced and reliable when doing basement remodeling projects in the Evans, GA, area. 

3. Failing to Consider Lighting, Insulation, Ventilation and Soundproofing

When remodeling your basement, consider lighting, insulation, ventilation and soundproofing. Properly lit basements can feel welcoming. Furthermore, adequate insulation is necessary for energy efficiency and comfort, and ventilation helps reduce humidity levels. Lastly, soundproofing ensures that noise from the main floor doesn’t disturb you or your guests. 

4. Ignoring Building Codes and Standards for Electricity, Plumbing and Drainage

It’s essential to ensure that any electrical, plumbing or drainage work you do in your basement meets local building codes and standards. Failure to do so can result in fines and even structural damage if the work is not done correctly. Consult a professional for these projects to ensure they are up to code. 

5. Choosing the Wrong Home Remodeling Contractor in Evans, GA

When remodeling your basement, choose the right home remodeling contractor in Evans, GA. Make sure that they are reliable and that they can do the work on time and within budget. You can start by researching and reading reviews from previous customers.

Whether you need professional basement remodeling or home painting in Evans or Lawrenceville, GA, Northside Construction Services can provide the professional help you need. To schedule an appointment, send us a message or give us a call at (404) 392-5858 today!