Good Remodeling Ideas That Keep Your Kitchen Trend-Proof

As you’re designing a kitchen remodel for your home, you might think it’s a good idea to add certain features now because of the latest trends. But trends always come and go; your trendy kitchen design may look popular now, but if you’re thinking about selling your home later on, it might be out of style by then and affect its selling price.

The best way to keep your kitchen remodel stylish and modern is to incorporate trend-proof features. Home remodeling contractor Northside Construction Services shares some remodeling ideas that will keep your kitchen timeless: 

Smart Storage

As a homeowner, you can never have too much storage in your kitchen. When you optimize the storage capacity in your kitchen remodel, you’ll save more money in the long run since you don’t need to replace or update them often. If you invest in cheap storage, they’ll inevitably break and you’ll be forced to replace them much faster than you think. 

Simple, Transitional Cabinets 

As for cabinetry, make them as simple and durable as possible so you won’t have to replace them as often as needed. As trusted home remodeling contractors, we also suggest extending them all the way to the ceiling, so that it eliminates the need for dusting and cleaning at the top. Less-used items can even be stored on higher shelves to maximize the use of your space!

Transitional kitchen cabinets are also great to use while still being timeless in design. They’re basically cabinets that can go in different directions, and what makes them trend-proof is that you won’t be locked into one look. This style can fit in a traditional or modern kitchen design! 

Choose Neutral Colors 

Out of all the neutral colors available, white will always stand the test of time. In fact, you’ll see a lot of white-themed kitchens today that look as timeless as they were first built years ago. The color just seems neutral yet accommodating for anyone to use! 

When it comes to excellent home painting and kitchen remodeling, you can count on Northside Construction Services to get the job done! Reach us today at (678) 233-2400 or fill out our convenient contact form. We serve customers in Evans, Augusta and surrounding GA areas.