3 Simple Ways to Keep Your Home Remodel Mess-Free

Even small remodeling projects can involve considerable mess. With the right planning and preparation, however, you can protect your home and belongings—not to mention your own sanity—throughout the course of the project. In today’s post, Northside Construction Services, your premier home remodeling contractor in Evans, GA, shares three handy tips to keep you organized and mess-free during a home improvement project.

1. Prepare Your Home

Before the project begins, clear the work area by moving furniture and other valuables elsewhere. Cover any large, heavy items that can’t be moved to protect them from dust and debris. If your project includes home painting services in Evans, GA., take down paintings, light fixtures, window treatments, and other decorative items. Box anything breakable and take away anything that might hinder foot traffic.

Control the Mess

This doesn’t mean running behind everyone with a duster in one hand and a wet rag in the other. To minimize the mess involved with the project, designate which pathways and doors your workers can use. This makes foot travel in and out of your home more efficient. We also recommend placing carpet pieces or clothes on the floor where the contractors will be walking to minimize dirt and debris being tracked into your home.

Schedule the Remodel at a Convenient Time

Communicate clearly with your contractor about your scheduling needs. It’s best to schedule the work for a time when there is little activity at your house. If you have children, have the contractors come while they’re at school, or if necessary, you can send your kids to a family member’s home while work is being done. This is both for safety purposes and to ensure an unhampered remodeling process.

For a smoother and mess-free home remodeling in Evans, GA, turn to Northside Construction Services. We can guarantee superior workmanship and complete homeowner satisfaction. That’s why we take all necessary measures to ensure that your home remains clean and protected during the project. We’ll also handle any after-work cleanup as an added service. Call us today at (404) 392-5858 to get a free estimate.